On November 20, iconic Cantopop duo from Hong Kong, Twins, brought their Twins Spirit Live Around The World Tour to the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre...
On November 22, Rainbow Kitten Surprise brought their Love Hate Music Box Tour to the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre in Vancouver, BC. American singer-songwriter and...
On November 1, American DJ Porter Robinson SMILE! 😀 World Tour brought serious energy and nostalgia to the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre in Vancouver, BC,...
On October 21, Oakland-born singer-songwriter Kehlani hit the stage at the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Arena in Vancouver for a show stopping performance of her CRASH World...
Teddy Swims, aka Jaten Collin Dimsdale, has announced the second part of his debut album along with a major North American tour for next year. The...
On September 29, Omar Apollo brought his God Said No World Tour to the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre in Vancouver, BC, with support from Kevin...
The Driver Era, comprised of Ross and Rocky Lynch, are set to ignite stages worldwide in 2025 with their highly anticipated The Driver Era: Obsession Tour. Produced by...
Megan Moroney has unveiled dates for her 2025 Am I Okay? Tour, a 27-show series that kicks off on March 20 in Montreal, Quebec, and concludes...