On November 20, iconic Cantopop duo from Hong Kong, Twins, brought their Twins Spirit Live Around The World Tour to the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre...
On November 28, Australian psych-rock powerhouse POND set the Commodore Ballroom ablaze with their Stung! Tour. The band delivered their latest album Stung! in its entirety,...
On November 25, rising UK indie-pop star Rex Orange County brought his Finally: A Theatre Tour for the first of two sold-out nights at the Queen...
Today, multi-platinum global superstar Katy Perry announced a run of Canada dates on her 2025 The Lifetimes Tour. Produced by Live Nation, the Canada leg kicks off on...
On November 22, Rainbow Kitten Surprise brought their Love Hate Music Box Tour to the Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Sports Centre in Vancouver, BC. American singer-songwriter and...
Charli xcx today announces details of her 2025 US headlining arena tour – CHARLI XCX – BRAT 2025 – ARENA TOUR. Fans can register for first access to...
November 17 marked the final day of the Grey Cup Festival 2024, where the Toronto Argonauts and Winnipeg Blue Bombers faced off to claim the title...
On November 18, Danish rock musician King Diamond brought his Saint Lucifer’s Hospital 1920 Tour to the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver, BC. King Diamond took over...