
Welcome to First 3 Only, where the vibrant energy of the world’s events comes to life through the lenses of our talented photographers!
Immerse yourself in the rhythm and excitement as we capture the essence of live concerts, dynamic sports moments, and other unforgettable experiences. Our team delivers compelling reviews, captivating galleries, and the latest in music, sports, and event news.
First 3 Only is a women-led collaborative team of photographers, started in Vancouver, BC, and now growing across North America and Europe.
Find us on Instagram @first3onlyofficial
Co-Founder || Editor-in-Chief
Caroline Charruyer
Instagram: @frogphotography
Website: Frog Photography
Bailey Morgan
Instagram: @baileymorganphotography
LIPS Events: @lips.events
Contributors North & South America
Heather Horncastle
Instagram: @heatherhorncastlephoto
Website: Heather Horncastle Photography
Marquise Monno
Instagram: @castlemarq.framez
Dani Costelo
Instagram: @xdanicostelox
Website: Dani Costelo Photography
Jason Martin
Instagram: @jason_martin_photography
Lia Hansen
Instagram: @liahansenphoto
Santiago Hernandez
Instagram: @ographybysanti
Heather Fabia
Instagram: @heather.fabia
Kayla Plummer
Instagram: @lifeof_kaylamarie89
Erin Crowley
Instagram: @erincrowleyphoto
Hunter Soo
Instagram: @huntershootsfilm
Alexis McCarley
Instagram: @photosbylexm
Sarah Sharpe
Instagram: @ssharpephotos
Sidney Robinson
Instagram: @sidneyrobinson_
Anya Tucker
Instagram: @a.tuckerphotos
Amaya Williams
Instagram: @asetvisions
John McCrary
Instagram: @johnshootsit
Colin Hanock
Instagram: @visualcompositions
Taylor Blazer
Instagram: @crybabystudiosss
Claudia Rebizant
Instagram: @claudia_rebizant
Aidan Callaghan
Instagram: @aidan_cally
Sophia Riseman
Instagram: @sophia.r.photos
Christa Yaranon
Alan Canale
Instagram: @alan.acf
Contributors Europe
Jazzie Gannon
Instagram: @jazzieshoots
Cleo Renard
Instagram: @cleorenard
Katie Hart
Instagram: @katiehartphoto